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HYUNDAI fulfills its social responsibilities as a member of global civil society and creates economic, social, and
environmental values by providing innovative products and Technology

현대에너지솔루션 로고

"Hyundai Energy Solutions has established and is operating a quality policy in order to improve the stakeholders' satisfaction and trust, and to fulfill the customers' requirements and legal requirements. We have acquired and are maintaining ISO 9001, the international standard, for securing the reliability of the quality management system. We secure long-term reliability evaluation of our company's modules and quality competitiveness at an internationally certified level through the UL and VDE accredited test laboratories at the Eumseong campus."

Quality Management Policy

글로벌 품질경쟁력 강화 아이콘
Strengthening global quality competitiveness

Promoting quality competitiveness strengthening activities

품질개선을 통한 원가경쟁력 확보 아이콘
Securing cost competitiveness through quality improvement

Securing long-term reliability through operating UL and VDE international certification test laboratories

고객지향 품질경영 활동 추진 아이콘
Promoting customer-orientated quality management activities

Strengthening quality management for customer satisfaction